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Something that the 2013 inventory of open Danny King Jaguar F-TYPE Portugal the world's first ride


    Lift Portugal, what would you think? Is the country's largest port city of Lisbon? Manuel is the architectural style? Portugal is still number one famous Cristiano Ronaldo? If you have the soul of the Portuguese navigator, if you like the challenge. Let's go with this great navigator rich country, go to Estoril Circuit Jaguar F-TYPE completely conquered it! General Manager of the Automotive Group director Danny along Bayshore in sports circles very famous, well-known to favorite roadster, is a friend open the title king, Shanghai is also ultra-running club members. As the owner and well-known automotive industry opinion leaders are invited to participate in the world's first drive Jaguar Chinese organized May 2 brand new F-TYPE Portugal and China region. The first time we come to share his extraordinary first driving experience and special insights trip to Portugal.

   "For me, the Jaguar F-TYPE adhering to the traditional British noble and gentlemanly, but also exudes a mature man with a bold unique joy in writing the history of the British automobile industry legend own.

    翻Open Jaguar history is a history of the world of motorsport. Jaguar from birth, it is active in the racing field, its temperament and performance, from the constant competition and self-transcendence in forging out. As its name and symbol of the Jaguar is the fastest growing animal surface, so the pursuit of speed is its nature.

    I attended the whole track in Estoril (Estoril) Jaguar F-TYPE arrange a test drive and track professional road test drive. We are in the mountains of Sintra mountain drive, beautiful and pleasant in Western Europe Atlantic coastline after another highway, surrounded by green mountains haunted, passionate rode most romantic convertible F-type, this time, the sky line, people car one, streamlined beauty of leopards, power hand paddles of acceleration, surging exhaust noise, and the beauty of nature completely fused together, at the moment, I really completely smitten! Really feeling the world's most beautiful roadster on this reborn! It really is my flying over more than 9000 km of maximum power and purpose!

    The Jaguar F-TYPE professional test drive the same track that I forget on Aisiduoni (Estoril) F1 International Circuit, F-TYPE with a 5-liter V8 engine, 0-100 km / h in 4.2 seconds, top speed 300 km / h, ultra-precise cornering! Sexy tail! Paoxiao the noise! Heritage c, d, e three type most classic F-TYPE, distribute vitality can not be copied. She really is affixed to the ground cheetah! Especially coming from the UK and Jaguar specialized professional racers together to experience the thrill of driving the speed! I took a lot of photos, the biggest reason is the essence of F-TYPE designed aerodynamic body styling perfect fit. Active aerodynamic features more than 100 kilometers per hour in a vehicle, it can automatically raise the rear spoiler, producing up to 120 kg of downforce, improve stability at high speeds. Even the door handles are flush with the body, build body flank flow fluency.

    Speaking of the trip to Portugal, I am more concerned about the beautiful Cascais, because the author of the James Bond series of novels by Ian Fleming during World War II is a famous British agent, Cascais is the principal place of his work . After World War II, when countries gathered in Cascais agents, driving a sports car, hidden swords in debauchery, known as "spy center." After the war, Fleming return visit, the beauty of Cascais again inspired his literary talent, more than 007 on the novel about the creation of this. So here is the 007 hometown. Just watch the "big break canopy Murder 007," let me and domestic friends are very interested in the history of this interesting, feel very special, if given the chance, I hope I can drive my car again experience the European continent Jaguar edge card Cascais, like a legend, like standing on the west coast of Portugal, the feeling of the royal family were left in the city's nobility and Atlantic endless scenery.

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