Title: "The promise of happiness," also known as "universal Princess"
Director: Chen Ming Zhang
Type: Contemporary Urban
Main Cast: Ady, Sun Yi Chau, Lee Seung-hyun
Episode: Episode 32
Broadcast time: from July 18 night 19:30 Oriental TV Dream Theater
Synopsis :
"Happiness agreement " also known as "universal Princess" Zhou was excellent pupil birth parents died young, in good care of my grandfather as a greenhouse -like flowers grow , and she most wanted to find a really love her but not for the sake of her family property Prince Charming spend a lifetime .
Youthful energy of dawn pupil in helping Grandpa management "golden fresh" style when the company strong , causing part of employee dissatisfaction , thanks to clever new staff Yu Zaihao siege , the integrity of the sub -ho wit let Xiao pupil heart feel good, but the child just ho one from the orphanage and work hard for a living running around after 80 boys .
Strongly opposed to the traditional conservative grandfather Xiao pupil love and setup, trying to wake the dawn pupil , but accidentally , resulting in the sudden disappearance of Grandpa pupil at dawn overnight from nothing into a worry-free life .
Although the sudden turn of events was a huge let Xiao pupil overwhelmed, but soon bones strong and unyielding nature , let Xiao pupil learned to be brave. Xiao pupil decided to rely on its own strength to return to the "golden fresh" and from the grassroots level , in the workplace through a series of temper after dawn pampered past pupil of endeavor transformed into a career woman , but she also harvested a sub -ho parts stand the test of love.